I’m excited that my newly designed site will be up withing 48hrs. π I have a new logo so please give me feedback and let me know if you like it or not.. Its girlie.. just the way I like it and quite simple.. You know how they say.. “simple and chic”..The new website is more user friendly and it displays my images larger…Over all I think my clients will like it more since it includes a section to links to their proofs as well as my blog.
Other then that i’ve been working alot with Rick and the scheduling for the upcoming Bob Knight Photo season… its that time again folks… The sound of Pomp and Circumstance is in the Air.. π Ohhh how I HATE that song..But I guess its a happy time for all those graduates.. myself included.. I can’t believe that i’m already graduating from DBCC.. Even though I have loved my time there I can say that I am SOOOO over school… 4.5 years at UCF plus 1.5 years at DBCC equals too much time in school… I’m really ready to get started with my career 100%.
Its a little nerve wreaking not to know where i’m going to be within the next year but its also exreamely exciting. But what I do know is that today i’m one day closer to seeing my name printed next to my picture in W and Vogue. π