I was looking back to a Blog I posted back in February and I made a statement saying that I was so nervous to know where I was going to be in a year. Its amazing that Its almost been a year later and I’m happy to say that I’m pleased with the decisions that I have made. As most of you know ( if you keep in touch with my life) I moved to NYC in August and have had no regrets.
I’m not saying that the move was easy or anything.. The transition was hard, since I had very little family in NY and was leaving everything I knew in Florida, but in my heart I knew I had to do it.
It was a long road to find a full time job but I am extremely happy team member of JUMP MANAGEMENT. My boss is incredible and has taught me so much about the industry! I’m still
a guppy to the “real” world of the Media Industry but it FASCINATES me!!! I’m learning the ins and outs of how and agency runs and how to represent and manage a variety of artist.

( The JUMP Team)
Finally ,I can say that being in NY does have its perks 🙂 I’ve seen and met a variety of celebrities..It’s weird because you can be walking the streets and *poof* there’s Tyson Beckford or Nigel Barker.. lol..

@of Alibi Lounge with Tyson Beckford

with model UBAH from Click Models

with Model April Wilkner from ANTM

with Memsor Kamarake fashion editor of VIBE

Photographer Nigel Barker
So yeah, thats just a small glimpse into what i’ve been up to the past few month.
I got alot more to share so stay tuned!!
BOO to the Tyson picture! Yea I’m a hater!