[ Happy Monday ]

Yes I know, most of us get grouchy on Monday mornings because it back to the work place…that’s me most Mondays too 😉 But, today is a Happy Monday… nothing in particular happened other then the realization that I have alot of things to be thankful for!!  To name a few…

1.) I have an incredible ‘day’ job which I LOVE!  www.jumpmanangement.com

2.) I will be in sunny Florida in 2 weeks  to see my family and photograph Mady’s Wedding!

3.) I have the best family and friends EVER!

4.) I found a great gym thats only $20 a month!! –Thats a STEAL in NYC!

5.) In less then a month i’ll be catching some rays in the BAHAMAS!!

6.) It is bright and sunny in NYC today!! –Finally!

7.) I heard birds chirping this morning!! –SPRING!!

8.) My back pain is slowly but surly going away!!

9.) I have an exciting shoot on Wednesday (hush hush on details)  😉

10.) I just celebrated my 3 year Deltaversary!! OO-OOP  Love you “The Epidemic” Spr’ 06!

The list can go on and on.. but that’s what comes to the top of my head right now… So to all my lovely blog readers have a HAPPY MONDAY!!! Smoooches!


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