[ Spring is in the air ]

April 1, 2009

I can’t even tell you how excited I am that SPRING is finally here!!! The City is becoming a whole different place.. This will be my first spring in NYC so i’m thrilled to experience it to the fullest. Being that I’m a Florida girl having [4] seasons is a whole new experience. I had the urge today to just enjoy the fresh air, walk some blocks and snap some shots! I started off on 13th and 9th Ave and walked all the way to 34th and 8th. I was so happy to see flowers blooming and “color” coming back to the city. So many people were walking the streets… such a change from winter…The best part of my journey was when I picked up a stow-away –CHRIS..hehe 🙂




  1. D. Shel says:

    I love the way you captured spring on the city.

    Your pictures reflect my exact sentiments. I too love spring; it’s my favorite season, it’s the season of new beginnings.

  2. O.Souza says:

    I’m Definitely seeing the growth in your work. It has this sophisticated innocence to it when dealing with the subject. Good job.

  3. Alyson says:

    Amazing pics! I love your work…but you already know that!

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