[ Jackie, Sadat… + baby “ZeKe” ] Orlando, Florida

This is another baby that I was waiting to meet even before he was a peanut in the womb. I have know Jackie and Sadat for many years and even blogged about their wedding back in April 08.. Click Here to see the post.

I have photographed for the Smiths on many occasion ( planned parties, engagement, bridal shower, wedding, Diva Designz.)

sh0wn below was actually the day Jackie told me she was 3 months pregnant! –so appropriate 🙂


So about a year later Isaiah Malik Kwadwo Smith was born.. lovingly known as “ZeKe”..


Zeke was just filled with smiles from the second I got there!!  I luvzzz BIG smiles!! 😀smith-blog2


This has to be one of my *Faves* because of Sadats face..–Priceless!!


Though Sadat & Jackie  were both “broken” (Sadat with a hurt foot and Jackie sore from her 1st triathlon earlier that day) you would never tell..

You guys were great!!

I love these of Father n Son..He’s just like his daddy…


But got the “face” of his Momma… HAHA!! I LOVE IT!! Those who know Jackie know exactly what I’m talking about 😉




Jackie and Sadat just bought at BEAUTIFUL home in Ocoee, Florida.. This shot was taken in thier backyard… Told you the “rustic” sceanery would work Sadat!

Much love to Tiffany for being my trusty assistant for the day!! 🙂


9 thoughts on “[ Jackie, Sadat… + baby “ZeKe” ] Orlando, Florida”

  1. I love these!!! I can’t wait for Miles pics! Amy when will you be back? I gotta schedule some when Mike’s home for family pics!!

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