Hello Blog world. Just wanted to send a special Happy Birthday to the one and only Mrs. Boots… You may remember her from this post right here…This little roxy is quite a superstar and will one day take over the world! Mark my words! 😉 hehe
But on serious note.. Raquel.. lovingly known in my world as “Pirilin” has been my B.F.F since I was in 2nd grade! I always thought this chic was sOoOOo ubber cool! … ok not to mention that fact that we are “technically” cousins but she is still my B.F.F for LIFE and will be in my wedding and make the cake as well. HA!
I love you little lady!! Hope that your special day ( a lady never reveals her age) is a great one!! Can’t wait to see you in 2 weeks!
Stole this one from Mr. Rinels facebook album… 🙂
And a few others faves from my archive..
We go way back.. this is circa 2001
(DONT HATE ME! 😉 haha)
This one is a bit sentimental.. She makes me smile thru the hard times 🙂
And my fave to date… love you again little lady!