[My Happy 1 Year Anniversary] Bronx, New York

A year ago today, I packed two suitcases and my iMac and moved to NYC. With tears in her eyes my mother said “quidate Mija te deso todo la bendicion del mundo” ( take care my darling, I wish upon you all the blessings in the world) I boarded my one way flight and took a deep breath.ย  I was embarking in the biggest journey of my life and had no idea what the Lord had in store for me…

A year later as I look back all I can say is GOD IS GOOD!! The blessings, experiences, and people he has placed in my life is more then I could have everย  asked for. As many of you know I work at a top NYC Talent Agency in which I started as an intern then later hired on as an Agent. I seriously LOVE my “day” job. I’ve mentioned before how much I adore my boss as well as the talent we represent. The people I have met and doors that have been open for my are truly priceless.. De & Frances if you read this… THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING you do for me!!

I can’t say that my journey has been easy because it hasn’t! Before I moved my father said to me “Life won’t be easy, but it is within that struggle that you appreciate the great things you will accomplish.” I would not change any of the trials and tribulations I experienced this past year because they have made me a stronger, wiser, and humbler person. I always tell people “its the little things” that make the world special.

I could not have survived with out the people who have been around me, my true support system. The Lords grace is amazing as the saying goes “God doesn’t give you the people you want … He gives you the people you NEED – to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be.”ย  .. and thats what he’s done for me!ย  A HUGE thank you to my “northeast” support team Drenita, Mackenzie, Chris, Louie, Renee, Monica, Melissa, Bola, Dretta, Eruby, Jen & Shel, The Menzi’s, Link & Zinga. You guys are ALL ANGELS!!! I cannot forget my “down south” support team who have been there as well my family, Raquel, my Sorors, David, Mirella & Gizzo, Harold, Stef, Aly, Toya, Vale… Love you bunches!! Thank you ALL for believing in me!

So what’s next?

I’ll be in NYC for as long as NYC will have me ๐Ÿ™‚ hehe… I love it here and am looking forward to all the adventures ahead.

Below are just some of my “best memories” this year…





6 thoughts on “[My Happy 1 Year Anniversary] Bronx, New York”

  1. Aimes, all I can do is smile.

    This is my fave blog post of yours thus far. It’s so crazy the difference a year makes; the pictures say it all.

    Continue to strive and continue to grow. There’s much more to come!!!!!!

    I just don’t know if NYC is ready ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Congrats on a 1 year of NYC living! I am almost sad I didn’t make the collage! But, if that one pic you tagged of me today is the only one you have I say THANK GOSH I didn’t make it. Beautiful work product, as usual.

  3. LUV THE COLLAGE! ๐Ÿ™‚ Fun times we’ve had since we took the plunge and left Orlando! I’m so proud of us! Sooo ready for year 2…fun times on the horizon ๐Ÿ˜‰ YAY!

  4. Awww! I’m so proud of you Amy! Congrats on your 1 yr! They say NY will make or break you, but I never doubted that it’d only help make you. After reading the things your mom and dad say, NOW I know where my WISE old soul roomie comes from! :o)

  5. awwwww ::tear tear:: noo for real!
    Very proud to say your my friend!! & i can tell you there were people that didn’t think you could handle NYC but little did they know that although you weren’t raised there you were born there!! ahaha! NYC was glad to have you back! GOD is GOOD! and this is the perfect example!! =)
    Wish you the best of luck in all the years to come amiga!

  6. I LOVE MY AIMES PHOTOS. Amy you made my bro and sis-in-law too comfortable lol. They thought they were professionals and stuff by the end of the shoot. All kidding aside, they liked ALL the photos (and you know I’m not a good liar so it must be true). Even though it was a cloudy day the photos said hello sunshine. I LOVE YOU AIMES!!!!!!!!!!!

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