[ The Sydell’s… Maternity Session ] Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The lovely couples happens to be my good friend and Publicist Christopher Slydell brother and sister-in-law Robert + Wayedene. Robert is almost a spitting image of Chris but is a little more reserved. I couldn’t have photographed a more perfect couple. Robert + Wayedene were total naturals and needed minimal direction. They were completely anything goes kinda people. I loved it!! I can’t wait to meet their bundle of joy and do a full family session in the future. 🙂 This was truly one of my favorite shoots to date!

We shot this session at the Gallery ONE – A Doubletree Guest Suites Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. Such a gorgeous venue!! This also happens to be the same hotel Robert and Wayedene got married a few years ago. The staff could not have been more helpful! I also bumped into a college buddy Greta Torrez who happened to work there as well. — Small world.

On a side note: It was great having Chris there as well to help me. — I miss you Chris move back to New York!!!

Such a perfect little couple!


Robert was such a ‘manly man’, I adored the way he held her 🙂


This was totally them, no fake smiles here!!


Wowzers! Check out this beauty!!


I just gasped….






Robert was actually hiding from my  “solar-flair” reflector.. hehe


Slydell109Another one of my **faves**

Slydell124In the words of celebrity stylist Rachel Zoe.. ” I just died” 🙂



Slydell160They got so cozy… Felt right at home 😉



Thanks Robert + Wayedene for such a perfect shoot!! Till next time!

2 thoughts on “[ The Sydell’s… Maternity Session ] Fort Lauderdale, Florida”

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