Finally, I have been waiting for 2010 for some months now, I was over 2009 back in July. LOL! Nonetheless, YAY its HERE!!! :: doing a dance::
Today is a bittersweet day for me. Let me explain why:
Well I’ve been in Miami since Dec. 19th, soaking up the warm air and family time. I had the opportunity to visit my family in Dominican Republic Dec 23-27 and that was DIVINE! I have a new found love for “Home”. All the time with family and friends has me dreading going back to the city. These holidays have been delightful.
::quick recap::
home.sleeping with pearly (my dog).reading sandals.dominican republic. tina’s birthday, 3D avatar. hanging with the boots. guacamole. trashing the dress with stephanie and fernie. new clothes. peppermint bark. bowling. pinky and the my parents house. being robed. hanging with a fellow jew. hanging with the tankers. my hair being frizzy. barely eating. driving my car. mom coming back from paris. authentic parisian gifts. family session with the sinclairs. priceless time with my grandparents. new makeup from m.a.c. sleeping in. hanging with indi.surprise visit from vale.bayside hut…ect 🙂
Sadly, I have to go back to my home today. Don’t get my wrong I want to start 2010 with a BANG and keep the ball rolling but I’m honestly not ready to go! 🙁 Back I go to the bitter cold but I know all these fond memories will keep me warm.
Wishing you the best to you and yours!!