So I’ve been in this constant battle with my weight since I can remember. I have moments when I’m small then moments I get tubby again… And guess what I’m looking quite tubby. The winter months don’t help much as all I want to do is eat comfort food and lay in my warm bed all day. Getting to the gym has been a struggle since the weather dropped below 40°. In case your wondering why its so hard, well I don’t have a car in the city and its a 15 min walk. So, waking up at 6:30 am to walk to the gym in cold weather is just not happening! Ho-hum.. 🙁
So i’ve had enough of the excuses I make, and I am ready for change! In lieu of this I decided to set a goal that I could realistically achieve. I’ve had my share of fad diets and get slim quick programs and I know I want no part of that. I want a lifestyle change.
30 lbs in 30 weeks. 1 pound a week. Now that’s realistic to me! This blog post is my commitment that I will stick to my plan and reach my goal. I am determined to stick to this. To those of you who feel a little like I do I encourage you to join me.
So I start today. New Balances on, iPod in hand..I’m pumped! 🙂
Wish me luck!
P.S… Thanks Mack for the encouraging text this morning! I <3 U!