Hi! I’m Raquel. Just wanted to come on over here to wish my favorite lady a very happy and (equally important) fun 26th birthday. I came to NYC to participate in her week long celebration and make sure I keep her up past her bedtime. Since she lives here and I live…not here, as is inevitable, we tend to drift apart a little but each time we visit we pick up where we left off. This trip we’ve bonded over good (and not so good) red velvet cake, long walks in the sweltering heat and episodes of Strange Sex.
This weekend we’re going on a road trip to D.C. where I’m sure we’ll only become closer over our love for Obama’s adorable smile and long walks in the sweltering heat on Capital Hill. Can’t wait!
Happy birthday, my love. I hope it’s been extra special. Thanks for always being such a doll. I love you!