I have to say that family sessions are probably my favorite, especially when they include little ones like this cute little guy.
Names Dominic and his proud parents are Damion and Sandy 🙂On a sunday afternoon I arrived at the Chins lovely home that was so obviously filled with love.
Such a great family photo!
Love this one! He’s looking right at me! Say “Hello Pretty Lady” or at least I think he is.. 😉
Dominic’s room was a hand painted Safari themed.. *love*love*love*
And his Uncle got him custom made onezies.. PIMP! 🙂
I love when I have GOOD light. Makes all the difference..
Daddy and me…
This is probablly one of my faves! Love everything about it.
Oh and this one too! 🙂
How pimp is he!?!?!
And after 2 hours little ol’ Dominic was all tuckered out 😉