Atlanta Maternity Photographer – The Wilson’s

I couldn’t believe it had been almost 3 years since I last visited and photographed the Wilson Family. Gracious time flies! When I met Talia she was just going into high school and little TJ was only 4, sigh… They make me feel like an old lady…  Alot has changed for this awesome family.. Talia is going off to college, TJ turned 7 and surprise they are having another baby! 🙂

The last session was so AMAZINGLY beautiful I couldn’t  imagine that we could pull off another but of course we did.. 😉 I always get so excited and inspired when I am told “Amy we trust you, do your thing.”  We shot most of the session at the Lake Lanier Marina.  The weather was a little chilly but this bunch as I like to say are pro’s…I want to say we did the bulk of the session in record time.. Like 30 mins or so since Troy had to get to work… 🙂

Demitra you are so stunning! Thank you for trusting me when I ask you to stop the car and sit in the middle of a field of weeds because I have a “vision”.

Love you guys to pieces!!!

Can’t wait to meet the little guy!!



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