Amy Anaiz Photo Daily Instagram

January 13, 2017

Happy Founders Day Sweet Sorors!! Through the MIDST of it all we still remain connected. ?? #amyanaizphoto #j13 #dst1913 #deltasigmatheta #themidst #ucfalumni

Happy Founders Day Sweet Sorors!! Through the MIDST of it all we still remain connected. ??

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  1. Happy Founders Day

  2. sumomosuki says:

    Ah sweet! Lovely shot and lovely ladies!

  3. Happy Founders Day to you.

  4. jwctp says:

    Great group shot!

  5. want that jersey from us???

  6. maebfilms says:

    Happy founders day

  7. brighamandco says:

    What a beautiful group of women

  8. 1weddings says:

    Happy Founders day and happy Friday!

  9. Great job on the group shot.

  10. Love all the colorful dresses!

  11. winade3 says:

    Happy founders day

  12. What an amazing group of gals!

  13. What a sweet photo

  14. jovizi says:

    Love this photo!! Happy Founders Day Soror! Xoxo

  15. Happy Founders Day Sorors!

  16. They are all coordinated! Cute!

  17. amyhaberland says:

    A gorgeous group of gals

  18. simplysassou says:

    Wow amazing ladies!!!!

  19. They all look so happy

  20. anniespring says:

    Wow. Wow. Wow! Loving this @amyanaizphoto!

  21. brandofme says:

    Happy Founder’s Day!

  22. rick_wayne says:

    So bright and beautiful

  23. baps3 says:

    Never seen this pic! Love it! Happy Founder’s day Sorors!! ?

  24. Cute pic! Those dresses are fab!

  25. Looks like a fun group!

  26. Happy founders day!!

  27. dbj_events says:

    that’s awesome!

  28. bekahsears says:

    Yay!!! These ladies are so gorgeous and fabulous!!!

  29. That is so amazing!

  30. gridfiti says:

    Love the sisterhood! Great shot!

  31. Looks like an awesome crew!

  32. What a good looking group!

  33. Sorority sisters always have such a good bond!

  34. Cracking group photo!!

  35. loveaprilkae says:

    This is so great! Thanks for sharing

  36. casadefallon says:

    Such a lovely group of ladies!

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