Amy Anaiz Photo Daily Instagram

March 11, 2017

Saturday Strolling Besties #amyanaiztravels #aimesandvero #marrakech #beautifuldestinations

Saturday Strolling Besties

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  1. I can’t believe we missed each other

  2. This lighting is absolutely fantastic!

  3. amyhaberland says:

    Gorgeous light gorgeous photo

  4. god4bandme says:

    Wonderful photo. Strolling with friends is what’s up

  5. Wow, how cool! I’d love to go there.

  6. dbj_events says:

    this is such a cool photo! must have been such an experience x

  7. Perfect use of the sunlight. Great shot.

  8. I love the light and the framing of this shot!

  9. Looks like a great way to spend the day.

  10. simplysassou says:

    That is very beautiful!

  11. Light, texture and framing. ? everything about it.

  12. I love this shot! How fun!

  13. ?such a fun and colourful photo!!

  14. Looks like a great Saturday!

  15. sisterlocked says:

    Amazing shot! Love it!

  16. gorgeous! you must be having the most amazing trip

  17. Cool photo! Love the shadows.

  18. That light though!

  19. Sounds like an incredible trip you are on!

  20. Looks like good times

  21. brighamandco says:

    Dude that’s liquid gold right there!

  22. So colorful and love the sun!

  23. thedavidway says:

    You’re a great photographer ?

  24. maebfilms says:

    Love this, great shot!

  25. loveaprilkae says:

    This is soooo pretty!

  26. You really captured the look of the street with the shops!

  27. gridfiti says:

    The lighting in this

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