When @puremelee let @kenziejai and I know she wished an un-babyshower baby shower we knew it was right up our alley. With the help of the fabulous @yazatpop we kept it simple, sweet, and intimate to celebrate the soon arrival of our beloved niece “Coco”. Thank you to all her loves who came from afar to shower her with love, your appreciated! #CaMelPartyOf3 #ittakesavilliage #amyanaizphoto #doughnutcake #doughdoughnuts #babyshower #popbyyaz #coconutcake
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Beautiful Amy
So cute! Love it
@prettyposhdesign thanks darling
@irisb_c thanks love!!
Baby coco
You are the best @amyanaizphoto!
Best Coco shower everrrrrr! I am so thankful for my village!
Beautiful! @puremelee so sad i missed it congrats mama
Congrats again @puremelee !!! Such a blessing. Sending hugs to you guys @amyanaizphoto @kenziejai