Amy Anaiz Photo Daily Instagram

December 20, 2017

True story: Most photographers get super awkward when the camera is turned on them ? LOL! But you’d never know looking at these two @joshua_dwain @anyedwain #amyanaizphoto #nycweddingphotographer #ItsNotSunItsProfoto #profotoa1 #blackexcellence #blacklove #crushedbyamyanaiz

True story: Most photographers get super awkward when the camera is turned on them ? LOL! But you'd never know looking at these two  @joshua_dwain @anyedwain

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  1. winade3 says:

    This is just gorgeous

  2. esiac says:

    Beautiful couple, beautiful shots!

  3. Such a beautiful power couple!

  4. I absolutely love these captures!!

  5. love.leb says:

    this last one though!! yass

  6. I knew they looked familiar!! Awesome moments captured!! ???

  7. That lipstick is popping @anyedwain Love your work @khadeeniam ?

  8. kiara_thegr8 says:

    I absolutely love the ring improv, @anyedwain! Brilliant! Ha! @son.of.a.yardie

  9. 00h_la_la says:

    The lipstick, the shoes, the nails, the earrings

  10. @kiara_thegr8 haha! You peeped . Had to take it off, my finger started turning blue.

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