Amy Anaiz Photo Daily Instagram

May 3, 2019

Introducing Mr.?? & Mrs. ? Opoku. #idoopoku #amyanaizphoto #melanin #luckytothet #allwhitewedding #connecticutweddingphotographer #profotousa #profotowedding

Introducing Mr.?? & Mrs. ? Opoku.

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  1. kestimable says:

    This is beautiful

  2. ninaskydel says:

    Totally in love with the picture Position, decor, color theme, lumière contraste , cette photo perfect

  3. You are amazing!!Thanks for capturing this so beautifully, it was such a pleasure working with you.

  4. mandalikes says:


  5. Gorrrrgggggeeeooouuuussssss

  6. Fiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ??

  7. yemi8 says:


  8. @amyanaizphoto Just when I think you can’t top your last pic…you do again and again!

  9. lovemybabyg says:

    You have such amazing talent!!!!

  10. neyneyj says:

    This. Is. Bomb.

  11. faithjeanty says:

    Yoooo! This is dope!?

  12. _mtmoments says:

    Wow… The Ghanaian couple

  13. lizrmonroe says:

    This is power couple goals.

  14. Obsessed with your work. I will definitely be contacting you soon.

  15. says:

    ?? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ?? AT ???? ?????| ???? ??? ??? ????? | ???????? ???? FOR MORE INFO OR TO RSVP CLICK THE LINK ON MY PAGE OR LOG ONTO ?????://?????????????.??????????.???

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