[ :: Valentine’s Day Giveaway Winners :: Nancy and Joe ]

Their love story….

Nancy and Joe both live  in north jersey. They have been part of the same church for about 14 years now.. He’d said “Hello!” and “Bye” on Sundays after church and occasionally when he would stop by the pharmacy where Nancy works. Nancy would get flustered and turn red as she greeted him back..  She always had a crush on Joe and whenever she did run into him, she’d text her best friend AnnMarie and tell her all about it. She even remembers saying to her once, “He loves me; he just doesn’t know it yet.”

Well, about a year later, Nancy was at a church servants’ meeting and so was Joe. He was a Sunday School teacher and she was there because she run an arts and crafts program for the young ones on Sunday nights during the summer months. She happened to be taking classes that summer – Joe is a special education teacher and he’s working on a master’s right now – and it just so happened that his only night off was Sunday. Joe asked her if she needed help with the program, as he was free. She, of course, jumped on the opportunity. Their story goes from there.. He started texting Nancy, then calling, then finally asked her to lunch. They saw each other everyday for the rest of that summer. On November 14th, 2009, Joe proposed!! They haven’t set a date for the wedding yet – but just know it will be summer of 2011.

and oh! I forgot to mention… Joe never showed up to help with arts and crafts that summer !! It was just an excuse 😉

Congrats to Nancy and Joe for winning my Valentine’s Day Giveaway. Stay tuned for their session pictures!!

Enjoy the day made for LOVE! XoXo to All!!

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