Did you have cousins that you totally wanted to be like when you grew up?
Well that’s what Manny + Rosanna are to me. Growing up Rosanna used to tell me stories about her and Manny’s awesome lives! I so looked up to them. They are the masterminds behind We Are Third Eye Design Group an award winning post production studio specializing in broadcast, editorial, and interactive design. Ohh yeah.. they are totally cool. 🙂 They inspire me to live my dreams to the fullest!
They became even cooler when they graced our world with one of THE cutest baby ever, Andres Manuel Gonzalez. Andres never stopped staring at me and I promise I have never photographed a baby that was so attentive + happy! I think he likes me and my big ol’ camera. YAY!! 🙂
I am so looking forward to documenting how quickly he grows up!
O.M.G He’s so cute!
I had to share their Holiday Card.
And Lola.. The dog that should have been born a cat…
Hopefully in the next sessions she will warm up me to 😉
Those are my cousins!! 😉 He’s so cute. I want to munch on his little baby buttcheeks.
Love these Amy!