Category Archives: My Life

[My Happy 1 Year Anniversary] Bronx, New York

A year ago today, I packed two suitcases and my iMac and moved to NYC. With tears in her eyes my mother said “quidate Mija te deso todo la bendicion del mundo” ( take care my darling, I wish upon you all the blessings in the world) I boarded my one way flight and took a deep breath.Β  I was embarking in the biggest journey of my life and had no idea what the Lord had in store for me…

A year later as I look back all I can say is GOD IS GOOD!! The blessings, experiences, and people he has placed in my life is more then I could have everΒ  asked for. As many of you know I work at a top NYC Talent Agency in which I started as an intern then later hired on as an Agent. I seriously LOVE my “day” job. I’ve mentioned before how much I adore my boss as well as the talent we represent. The people I have met and doors that have been open for my are truly priceless.. De & Frances if you read this… THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING you do for me!!

I can’t say that my journey has been easy because it hasn’t! Before I moved my father said to me “Life won’t be easy, but it is within that struggle that you appreciate the great things you will accomplish.” I would not change any of the trials and tribulations I experienced this past year because they have made me a stronger, wiser, and humbler person. I always tell people “its the little things” that make the world special.

I could not have survived with out the people who have been around me, my true support system. The Lords grace is amazing as the saying goes “God doesn’t give you the people you want … He gives you the people you NEED – to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be.”Β  .. and thats what he’s done for me!Β  A HUGE thank you to my “northeast” support team Drenita, Mackenzie, Chris, Louie, Renee, Monica, Melissa, Bola, Dretta, Eruby, Jen & Shel, The Menzi’s, Link & Zinga. You guys are ALL ANGELS!!! I cannot forget my “down south” support team who have been there as well my family, Raquel, my Sorors, David, Mirella & Gizzo, Harold, Stef, Aly, Toya, Vale… Love you bunches!! Thank you ALL for believing in me!

So what’s next?

I’ll be in NYC for as long as NYC will have me πŸ™‚ hehe… I love it here and am looking forward to all the adventures ahead.

Below are just some of my “best memories” this year…





[ Mrs. Boots goes to Coney Island ]

This past weekend I had the pleasure of hanging out with my B.F.F Raquel also known as “Mrs.Boots” and Miss Jaell Hdz. It was a weekend filled with great restaurants, Broadway, poetry, and a trip to Coney Island!!


After a long train ride we arrived πŸ™‚


I don’t eat hot dogs but I guess the “original” Nathans is I guess a big deal… =X


Mrs. Boots + Sirs (for the day) — Jaell..


I was totally in love with this piece of metal… its used to be a ride I suppose…


So whimsical… so her.. πŸ˜‰


I was quite intrigued when I saw the signs… But the “freak” wasn’t much of a freak.. LOL


The best ride of the whole park!!


with her Diana… I so love it!! Can’t wait to see the results!!


So we had a little photoshoot… Hello Me! πŸ™‚IMG_3944

Allo Mrs. Boots!IMG_3945

Haiyyooooo Jaell




Just like in the movie Big.. except she gave her no fortune!! Tisk Tisk Grandma!


and she won a bear for Booters!! πŸ™‚


Totally love this chic!!! Woot – Woot!!IMG_3970

Toodles Mrs. Boots… Till next time πŸ˜‰


[ Indhira Genao.. The Sweetest 16 ] Miami, Florida

Of ALL the shoots I’ve EVER done this has to be my ultimate favorite…


Because it’s my little sisters Sweet 16’s !!!

I can’t believe that she is ALL grown up.. ::tear:: Seems like only yesterday when was born and became the BIGGEST blessing in my life as well as my families. Indhira is the sweetest genuine soul you will ever meet! She can bring a smile to anyones face. It took a few months of planning, coordinating, finding the perfect dress, and location but when the day finally arrived I was so excited!

She looked so beautiful!!

We decided that the perfect venue would be Vizcaya Gardens in Miami, Fl. The location was pretty nostolgic for me since (1) I too had my Sweet 16’s pictures taken there by Enrique Munoz Studio (2) It was through that session that my *LOVE* for photography began. It couldn’t have been a prettier day! Indhira was all smiles and giggles. I was suprised to see how well she just took to the camera and follwed my direction, shes a little stubborn sometimes.. πŸ˜‰

My mom and brother were there to assist me and it was a great family affair!!! Thanks Joel for becoming a master with the reflector! –HaHa

…and many thanks to my parents for blessing me with the BEST little sister! She is truly me heart! πŸ™‚


One of my *Faves*



So precious!!!! MY *FAVE*


What you don’t see is my Mom on the side lines… Indi was telling her I LOVE YOU!








This is my Mom!!! Isn’t she SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! πŸ™‚


The siblings.. I love these!!! So us!


[ Happy Monday ]

Yes I know, most of us get grouchy on Monday mornings because it back to the work place…that’s me most Mondays too πŸ˜‰ But, today is a Happy Monday… nothing in particular happened other then the realization that I have alot of things to be thankful for!!Β  To name a few…

1.) I have an incredible ‘day’ job which I LOVE!Β

2.) I will be in sunny Florida in 2 weeksΒ  to see my family and photograph Mady’s Wedding!

3.) I have the best family and friends EVER!

4.) I found a great gym thats only $20 a month!! –Thats a STEAL in NYC!

5.) In less then a month i’ll be catching some rays in the BAHAMAS!!

6.) It is bright and sunny in NYC today!! –Finally!

7.) I heard birds chirping this morning!! –SPRING!!

8.) My back pain is slowly but surly going away!!

9.) I have an exciting shoot on Wednesday (hush hush on details)Β  πŸ˜‰

10.) I just celebrated my 3 year Deltaversary!! OO-OOPΒ  Love you “The Epidemic” Spr’ 06!

The list can go on and on.. but that’s what comes to the top of my head right now… So to all my lovely blog readers have a HAPPY MONDAY!!! Smoooches!


[ The Simple Things ]

I couldn’t help but smile on the rainy day in the city when I opened my gmail and saw my theme…

gmailLittle things like this just make my day!! Each day I fall in love with G-Mail more and more.. Just when I think somethiing can’t be done, it can! I love the fact that I can seamlessly merge all my accounts together and not have to flip back and forth.. Everything is nice and labled, making lil ol’ me VERY happy!! πŸ™‚