I can’t even tell you how excited I am that SPRING is finally here!!! The City is becoming a whole different place.. This will be my first spring in NYC so i’m thrilled to experience it to the fullest. Being that I’m a Florida girl having [4] seasons is a whole new experience. I had the urge today to just enjoy the fresh air, walk some blocks and snap some shots! I started off on 13th and 9th Ave and walked all the way to 34th and 8th. I was so happy to see flowers blooming and “color” coming back to the city. So many people were walking the streets… such a change from winter…The best part of my journey was when I picked up a stow-away –CHRIS..hehe 🙂
I love the way you captured spring on the city.
Your pictures reflect my exact sentiments. I too love spring; it’s my favorite season, it’s the season of new beginnings.
I’m Definitely seeing the growth in your work. It has this sophisticated innocence to it when dealing with the subject. Good job.
Amazing pics! I love your work…but you already know that!