I asked Monica (Miles mom) to describe Miles in 1 word and she told me “explorative” and she couldn’t have nailed his personality more on the head!! I met Monica and Miles in a small park next to the Orlando Public Library and I had no idea the afternoon that Miles had in store for me. 🙂
I have to say that Miles gave me the funnest workout! It was a thrill running all around the park behind him trying to capture the innocence of his “exploring”…
The BEST part was the review I got from Miles after the shoot.. Monica wrote to me and told me “Your sooo cool in Mile’s book!! He kept telling me ‘Mommy I like Amy’.”— AHHH it totally made my day!!! <3 You Miles!
Thank you Lesley for being my assistant for the day!!
The first thing Miles ran to was this alligator..He sat there for a while and let me get some great portraits then ran straight to the man on the gator behind him to say “Hello“…–SO CUTE!!
One of my *Faves*
Thank you orange wall for being there!!! 🙂
Another one of my *Faves*… Peek-a-boo
Miles made quite a few friends this afternoon…
He couldn’t help going to play in the water…after all its what little boys do!!
Miles was showing me how strong he was…. GRRRRRR!!!!
Who can resist that sweet face…
My favorite part of the shoot was when Miles played fetch with this little blind (YES BLIND) dog! It was amazing how she actually fetched the ball!!
Miles got “mad” at us.. or at least he wanted us to believe he was mad.. Too funny!!
Can we say model?????
Or drummer.. (just like his daddy)..
One thing I do know is that this little one is going to be a heart breaker!!! 😉
OMGSH!!! I LOOOOOOVE them!!! So creative!!!! I love them so much!!!
i love your work amy. this is such a cute shoot and you have captured many memories for his mom….great work girl!
okk so this should be how bella would come out cause shes a little younger but walks and does things soo im super excited nowww!! =)
Was this in Orlando? I love the “mad” picture!
Miles rocks! Love these pics!
Freakin’ adorable….and Miles is great!!! You truly captured some great moments
Amy those are some wonderful, cute, and adorable pictures of little Miles. You are right he will definitely be a heartbreaker one of these day.
This was CUTE CUTE CUTE! He did such a great job and of course you too Amy lol.
I agree you really captured everything : )
These are wonderful! I LOVE the peek-a boo series!
Wow! I love the peek-a-boo shots! So creative and ADORABLE!
that is one ADORABLE KID!
you take great photos, and you captured this little guy’s personality!
too cute!
Absolutely great work! Your photos really capture the entire range of emotions of a day in the life. I LOVE the pouting photo – too perfect! Wonderful work!!
Oh my good lord that is ONE CUTE KID – of course, it helps that the photographer is AWESOME!!!
I LOVE the “getting mad” picture- so sweet! My kiddo does the same thing 🙂
he is too adorable for words. amazing shots!
Wow, these are amazing! You caught soooo much of his personality! What a cool little kid… I really love the one of him sitting so calmly on red stairs.
I love the “strong” shots best of all. What a cute kid, and what a great job capturing him.