[ Erika+Jay+Laila+Jahlani…on a Friday afternoon ] Miami, Florida

I have known Erika for years due to the fact that I went to school with her younger sister Giselle. I have seen Laila + Jah grow up ever so quickly. They are a fun little bunch and I was super excited to finally photograph them! We chose to use Erika’s parents (Pam + Javier) backyard as our background. Javier has worked hard to keep his landscaping in tiptop shape so what better opportunity to showcase the fruits of his labor. 😉

Little Jah was a little camera shy at first. I don’t think he understood why all the attention was on him and why everyone was shouting his name.. LOL!

Many times people expect lil ones to be smiling for pictures but I LOVE when they just are who they are. I totally love this serious one 😉

We got out the ball and bat and Jah did not disappoint. Do I spy a little Alex Rodriguez in the making?

A family that plays together.. stays together…

And here’s the whole family

I lovvveeeee this one

…yes hes a mommas boy 🙂

We took advantage and got some “engagement” shots of Erika and Jay.. Look out for their wedding post later this year!! 🙂

Another FAVEE!!!! You girls are fabulous!

Jah was finally warming up.. here come the smiles!!!

This smile was totally worth the wait! MY *FAVE*


Of course I had to get a shot of the whole gang!

Left to right: Janet, Giselle, Pam, Javier, Erika, Jah + Jay and lounging in the front Miss Laila.

Love you guys!! <3

6 thoughts on “[ Erika+Jay+Laila+Jahlani…on a Friday afternoon ] Miami, Florida”

  1. omg i loveeeeeee alllll of the pictures my niece & nephew are the cutest lol… you did a great job Amy…the funniest part of the family picture were my socks lol =)

  2. OMG… I love each picture! One of my favorite families. =) Jah is so adorable… What a character.

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