Another Monday….

So its another day to another week.. lol. I had an entertaining weekend with my girls. My *spec* Melonie was here for “work” and my *luvah* Mrs. Boots is here to hang for the whole week! oOoO lucky me…
::weekend recap::
.Snow Day.
.Fashion 40.
.The Renaissance.
.Meeting Hugo.
.Walking 130 to 59th.
.Passion Fruit Mojitos@Spice.
.Cab Drivers.
.Being Lazy.
.Valentine’s Day.S’mac.
.Retro on the M11.
But.. Mrs. Boots being in town means a whole lotta good eating!! To counter set this minor speed bump I bought some supplies to keep me *focused* .hehe.
After work i’m hitting the gym…trying to stay focused!
Hope you have a Merry Monday!

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