[ Nancy and Joe.. Engaged! ] New York City

Nancy and Joe were the winners of my Valentine’s Day session. When I first spoke with Nancy she informed me that they were not a “lovey-dovey” couple. I laughed and told her I had heard that before and that she had nothing to worry because I knew that I could bring it out of them. — And of course I did, well to tell you the truth I really didn’t do anything..They were naturally in *love*.

We met at HECTOR’S one of my favorite little diners in the meat packing district. They make a mean grilled cheese πŸ˜€ Before the session I wanted to sit down with Nancy and Joe and really get to know them and vice-versa. As we chitchatted about school, goals, and driving in the city and among other things they shared with me their fabulous engagement story.. Let me share:

Nancy is studying to be a pharmacist and currently works at Walgreens. Joe had spoken with Nancy’s boss and orchestrated a whole plan of having Nancy investigated for “missing medication”. On November 14thΒ  Nancy’s boss went along with the plan and Nancy of course was completely dumbfounded. She knew she had nothing to do with it. It was not uncommon for Joe to come visit while Nancy worked so when he showed up on this particular day Nancy was non the wiser. Joe proceeded to tell her that her Mom called him about finding some “pills” in her room and pulled out a prescription bottle. Of course Nancy was completely confused as he handed her the bottle…As she looked down she noticed there was writing on the bottle…”Nancy Fragalla will you marry me?”… before she even said yes she put the ring on her finger out of pure excitement. Joe looked at her and said “So I guess that a yes?” and she nodded in agreement.

Thanks Nancy for sharing photos of the bottle.

Doesn’t that story just make you smile!!! πŸ™‚

Nancy and Joe are both of Egyptian decent and it is customary for the both the man and woman to wear a ring on their right hands. Its a sign of commitment and on the wedding day the rings are exchanged and placed on the left hands.. How cool is that!! Totally loved this!

Don’t we all wish we can have Albert Einstein show us love πŸ™‚He would NEVER let her fall.. πŸ˜‰They are just so darn cute!
It was totally freezing this day!! Nancy you are such a trooper.. You make it look like spring! πŸ™‚Looking good Joe!Nancy — Totally GORGEOUS!!He totally loves her πŸ™‚

Thanks Nancy and Joe for a GREAT shoot!! πŸ™‚

3 thoughts on “[ Nancy and Joe.. Engaged! ] New York City”

  1. wonder where you heard the “we’re not a lovey dovey couple” from?! hmmm?? the pics are sooooo cute! great job aimes and congrats to the couple on their engagement

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