Upon checking the mail and rummaging through normal bills, school loans, bank statements….she was finally here!!
I had been waiting patiently for her 7 days to be exact.. (I’m a little impatient..hehe) I had debated joining ZipCar for months. I told myself that (1) I would would NEVER dare drive in the city (2) Would I really use the membership (3) It would be more of annoyance having to go pick up the car then return it…Go an behold everytime I looked in the streets the (ZipCar) logo haunted me like a plague! Though everytime I looked at the driver’s they looked as happy as could be… The straw that broke the camels back was when I was trying to online shop… EVERYTHING I wanted was an “in strore” purchase only. I was infuriated! That’s it, I told myself and reconsidered my options.. To my disbelief the more I thought about the possibilities of having access to a car in the city the happier I became. A few days later my application was sign-sealed-delivered. I think she’s going to be my new best friend!! 🙂
1st stop: IKEA!
This is too funny i have heard about this company and read about it on CNNMONEY, this seems like the best idea in the world for local travelers there in the city. The card looks somthing like a credit card to a starship trooper ship. lol. I think its a pretty nifty idea though, but the thing that would drive me nuts is just as you mention, you have to go pick the car up. what if the car is in a bad neighborhood? Do you really wanna get the car? You get mugged while getting the car that you are using temporarily. lol. The company has a pretty decent business model, i interested in how the whole process works and whether it is seamless to leave, get, and access the cars and stuff. Let me know about this?