[ “A.Aniaz Who’s Who” ] Malcom J Mclemore

I met Malcolm back in 2007. He was at U.C.F for the summer doing an internship in higher education via NASPA. We instantly became friends and almost 5 years later we are closer then ever. Malcolm is one of those guys who’s about his business but still knows how to lay back and have a good time. He is constantly on the move and never settles for being just “good enough”. He defines the meaning of hardworking and is extremely humble. He is passionate about diversity initiatives and preparing the leaders of tomorrow.

A little about him:

At California State University (Chico) he received his degree  in Recreation Administration/Community Recreation. At CSU-Chico he was a member of NASPA, Charter member of the Chico Chapter of Sigma Alpha Pi: National Society of Leadership and Success, Order of Omega: National Fraternal Honor Society, and Kappa Alpha Psi . He is Currently in his last year of graduate school at University of Rochester mastering in Higher Education with an emphasis in University Administration. He is the graduate assistant for Leadership Development and Training and speaks at conferences nationwide.

He’s the kind of guy that molds to his environment and striving to make changes in higher education. When asked about how he’s helped his community he responded: “My community” seems to be which ever one I am in at the moment.  While in Washington state I helped run a program with Dr. Derek Greenfield that was a mentorship program for at risk youth. While at Chico, I headed an effort to raise money for a MLK Blvd. and statue, was involved in many mentorship and community programming initiatives, and continue to do my personal part to uplift the people around me.  Now at the University of Rochester, I focus more on facilitating and presenting at various university and community programs (ex. Literacy, role of Black Greeks in the community, women’s health, etc.)

Random facts about him — He can solve a rubric’s cube in 2:39 minutes.

Those are just some of the reason’s I think he’s one of my Who’s Who. It had to be one of the coldest days EVER and of course I wanted to do a shoot…Typical me, I’ll make anything work.  Amongst the snowflakes and heavy winds we had a great shoot and I even got to see High Falls — Rochester’s Waterfall. At the end of the shoot we went to Pellegrino’s to get the “best sandwiches” in Rochester according to Malcolm. I couldn’t help setting up the self timer and getting some outtakes. 🙂

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