Happy 5 Year Deltaversary!

Today we are 5 year old.


To my Dearest linesisters:

Wow where has the time flown by? I have said it time and time again that I don’t think I could have been given linesisters who I mesh with so well. Though our personalities are different we all seem to sync up harmoniously! Distance has separated us but our bond still remains strong! Each of you have blessed my life in a special way! I look forward to a continued lifetime of memories with you ladies…  Looking forward to seeing each of you at our #11’s wedding next month!



5 thoughts on “Happy 5 Year Deltaversary!”

  1. Well well well.. Look who I found!! Amy great to see that you’re doing great! I’m a photographer myself… Check me out on facebook, victor arias photography or on my blog, http://www.victorariasblog.com. Hope to hear from you, maybe we can do some photo talk 😉 GB

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