Category Archives: Everything

[Random Ramblings] Adele LIVE!

If you’ve been following my tweets then you know how stoked I was at the opportunity to see Adele LIVE. So many tried to get tickets but they were sold out before they even went on sale. I am not kidding! De, Frances and I tried sooo hard to get tickets and even stood in line in Washington Heights for 3 hours to be disappointed at the box office closing due to rowdy scalpers!  Right when were were going to throw in the towel, De saved the day and surprised us with 3 tickets and let me tell you I jumped up and down with GLEE!!

That was 3 months ago.

We patiently waited….Made mention of it every other day…Kept our tickets in a safe place… and YIPPIE today finally arrived!!

Adele my sweet Adele you did NOT disappoint. You were simply incredible. Your voice was so serene. You stole my heart and made me cry. You told stories about why you wrote certain songs, cussed out your ex-boyfriend, sang to your “Mum” that was in the audience, and treated us “fans” like royalty.


Ohhh and the opening act THE CIVAL WARS.. Amazing as well! They were so cute and their harmony was on point. I totally just purchased their album on iTunes. 🙂

So I was a little mad at myself for not bringing my real camera. I was afraid that they would turn me away at the door so I decided that I would put my new iPhone to use. (Yes, I said iPhone – we’ll talk about that later. 😉 ) So the pictures came out a little crappy  and the video is a little far but all that really matters is the beautiful voice!






Happy 5 Year Deltaversary!

Today we are 5 year old.


To my Dearest linesisters:

Wow where has the time flown by? I have said it time and time again that I don’t think I could have been given linesisters who I mesh with so well. Though our personalities are different we all seem to sync up harmoniously! Distance has separated us but our bond still remains strong! Each of you have blessed my life in a special way! I look forward to a continued lifetime of memories with you ladies…  Looking forward to seeing each of you at our #11’s wedding next month!

