Category Archives: Everything

[Portrait Sessions] Rodriguez Family

Meet the Rodriguez Family.

David + Lily graciously hosted Thanksgiving Dinner for the family this year. David happens to love photography himself and has taken beautiful photographs for the family. In the midst of it all he asked me if I could take his family portrait this year and of course I said Yes and nodded with glee ๐Ÿ™‚

Alina + Emily are pro’s to the camera and I promise our mini session took all of 10 minutes. No Joke! My kinda Family ๐Ÿ˜‰

Happy Holidays!



The essence of childhood!

[Portrait Sessions] Valesca + Curtis

Valesca and Curtisย have been dating for almost 2 years. Vale wanted to do something special for his 25th Birthday.. So she called me! ๐Ÿ˜€ย Vale is not stranger to my lens so she knew that i’d be able to capture the special moments between them. On one of my Miami weekends Vale + Curtis drove down from Orlando to hang out with me at the Royal Palm.

I promise you they are the cutest! ๐Ÿ™‚

(Fun Fact)–ย Curtis played football for my Alma Mater U.C.F and we both pledged in Spring ’06. He’s a Kappa.

๐Ÿ™‚(Fun Fact) — Vale was my roomie for 2 years and one of my first “models” when I started photographing seriously. #Truefriend!

LOVE this one!ย Typical Vale… Serious one moment then cracking up the next. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you to Toya for being my GREAT assistant!

Love ya’ll bunches!!


[Random Ramblings] Happy Birthday Brother!

Today is brothers birthday.

I’ve been teasing him that he’s an old man and needs to makes some babies for our grandchild wanting mother. LOL!

Growing up we fought like cat + dog but as adults we’ve become besties. ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Birthday dear broham! You are truly the sweetest, hardworking, intelligent, go with the flow man I know! ย Thank you for putting up with all my nonsense, calling me just to say hello, keeping my calm when I’m in a frenzy, and for being a manager at my favorite store…APPLE! ๐Ÿ˜‰ (amongst many other things)

Love you bunches!!

Enjoy your last year in your 20’s.. Bwahaha!

[I *heart* NYC] Ode To A Belgian Waffle

Today I indulged and treated myself the a naughty breakfast. ๐Ÿ™‚

Those of you who know me know I get all flustered when I have too many choices. My palms get sweaty, I wiggle up and down like a child, and the only words out of my mouth are

(while I look at the menu in utter despair)


Today was no different. But I did have a dinges attendant who was so patient and pleasant.

Thank you sir!

(I totally forgot your name, but if you ever read this post do leave a comment so I can remember)


and I sat on a bench and delighted in a Waffle & Dinges of my very own.


The End.