Category Archives: Everything

[ Random Ramblings ] Crappy Day.

Do you ever have one of those days where things just don’t feel right?

Well today I am having one of those days. I had the worst panic attack at the office. I couldn’t breath, I was nervously shaking and all I could think about was calling my mom. I called her and she assured me that everything was Ok at home. She also told me she had just finished praying for my brother and I. – Thanks Mom.

As I got off the phone the only thing I could do was cry. Why? I don’t know. De + Frances did their best to console me but 4 hours later I still don’t know why I just can’t shake a gripping feeling I have around my heart and a lump in my throat. But my hope is that by talking about it.. I can release this horrible energy.. shoo fly.. don’t bother me

All I want to do is curl up in my bed and go to sleep. 🙁

So that’s the day I’m having today.

Mack keeps telling me to make my mind go somewhere else.. but easier said then done… But thanks for the efforts dear.

Thank you to everyone who tweeted their concern. I appreciate your support. Hoping to feel better soon.

xoxo! – Aimes

( the misses took this pic last fall, it made me smile. I love Fall.)

[ I *heart* NYC ] Street Sweets

I tweeted my friends (in my head) @StreetSweets early Sunday morning that I was looking forward to seeing them at Carts in the Parc.. They messaged me back and let me know sadly they were not participating because of some meanies but were grateful for the love and support. Because I love them so I decided to visit them anyways.. off to 75th and Broadway we went. 🙂

We ordered:

1-Iced coffee  1- Nutella Macarella 1- Chocolate cookie.

We sat happily on a bench and enjoyed each bite >:)

[ I *heart* NYC ] Fashion’s Night Out

Last Friday I participated in Fashion’s Night Out actually we kinda just stumbled on it..

(it was hard not to)

Drenita and I were walking to prospective destination when we encountered shiny objects. lol. Or shall I say free goodies at Alice + Olivia. I’m a sucker for freebies (even if I don’t need them).We scored: NeroWater•Altoids•CandyBar•HypnoticCocktailsSo we ditched our original plans and had an interesting night of Fashion. I was so excited to finally taste a treat from STREET SWEETS truck.

•chocolate whoopie pie•


strolling up 5th Ave..We ran into models working and my old friend and friend Mike a.k.a @KODAKBOI

Check out his fabulous blog:  www.kiddunot.comSo it was just another fabulous random evening in the city.

(Olinka joined us too.. but I didn’t get any pictures of her 🙁 )

[ Random Ramblings ] Aqualung – Strange and Beautiful

Today I have this song on repeat…..You know one of those kinda songs that hits your heart and says exactly what your feeling.. ::sigh:: But I do love then I find songs like this. Beautiful music I *heart* you.

P.S. I am LOVING the “A Fine Frenzy” station on Pandora..  In the words of Rachel Zoe O.M.G I die!! (he.he)

Aqualung – Strange and Beautiful

I’ve been watching your world from afar,
I’ve been trying to be where you are,
And I’ve been secretly falling apart,
To me, you’re strange and you’re beautiful,
You’d be so perfect with me but you just can’t see,
You turn every head but you don’t see me.
I’ll put a spell on you,
You’ll fall asleep and I’ll put a spell on you.
And when I wake you,
I’ll be the first thing you see,
And you’ll realize that you love me.
Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the first thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,
I’ll put a spell on you,
You’ll fall asleep,
I’ll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I’ll be the first thing you see,
And you’ll realize that you love me.
I’ll put a spell on you,
You’ll fall asleep ‘cos I’ll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I’ll be the first thing you see,
And you’ll realize that you love me, yeah…