Category Archives: Everything

[ My Mini Vacation ] Part 7 • Asia De Cuba • Miami, Fl

The official “today is your birthday” celebration with the misses. I was hyped to go to Asia De Cuba because for some reason I had it stuck in my head that the experience would be as mouth watering as Buddahkan was..I was excited to try the Miami Spice menu (3 apps 3 entrees 3 sides 2 desserts).


I was highly disappointed. Portions were tiny, flavors were “ehhhh”, and the service SUCKED! I did enjoy the short ribs, plantain fried rice with avocado “salad” and coconut cake. I could have done without the rest.

Nonetheless, great company + conversation + tweets. 😉

[ My Mini Vacation ] Part 6 • Romero Britto • Miami, Fl

It was a fabulous random find. Just the day before I was gushing to the Misses how much I looooovveedd Romero Britto, when we stumbled upon his gallery!! I begged PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we goooo!! Like a 5 year old seeing a toy store. I was not disappointed. Well actually I was, I think all I could afford was a keychain -lol- I told the ladies that if I ever get a house, married, or something big *wink* they know what to get me. 😀

[ My Mini Vacation ] Part 5 • South Beach • Miami, Fl

Finally I could spend a WHOLE day at the beach. No rush. No Fuss. No rain 🙂

We thought we were going to get rained out but the beach gods were kind to us. We were happily surprised that our stay at the Delano included beach chairs. I admit before this weekend I would not fork up $20 for a beach chair when my beach towel does just fine. But dearest south beach you have spoiled me! Your comfy terrycloth + elevation + reduction of sand everywhere has made me come into the light. Ohh and lets not forget the cute beach boy who sets everything up. 😉

The mojitos were basically juice but seeing a school of fish + sting ray in the clear waters, finally getting a tan, and celebrating my fave ladies 27th birthday was *priceless*.

South beach I *heart* you.

[ I *heart* NYC] Happy 2 Year Anniversary

My, My, My, where has the time flown! It’s hard to believe that I have kept myself grounded in New York City for 2 years. Last year I rejoiced in having made it through the biggest “leap on faith”.

Today I am rejoicing in the simple fact that the Lord has continued to bless me.

I have realized that I AM a city girl.

Trains, people, noise all agree with me.
Have found a new LOVE for reading
Gotten addicted to Ice coffee, Cabs, Editing in the park
Perfected the art of “traveling light”
Walked from 23rd-130th street just because
Realized I do not “think with child” and I am ok with that. 🙂
Attended so many fabulous “free” events
Fallen in love with ANYTHING passion fruit.
Lost some loved one
Single + Loving it

    Since last year I have been living the best of both worlds. As many of you know I am originally from Florida and my family still resides there.  Business has kept me busy and allows me to travel there every 5-6 weeks. Being able to work and see my family has been the best part of this year. I know Pearly appreciates it. 😉

    I’m still living in Harlem (which I love). I have explored my neighborhood and have realized my favorite avenue has to be Amsterdam. Within the past year Olinka and Louie have moved within blocks of me so having Harlem buddies has been ubber delightful! I am still waiting for Drenita, Raquel, and Melissa to make their way over but I know that will happen in due time. 😉

    JUMP Management has been keeping me busy and I finally feel like I know the “biz”. I can negotiate deals with confidence, man the office, and scout new talent all on my own. My NY parents De+Frances have continued to be extremely supportive and loving.  I really don’t know what I would have done without them. 🙂

    So many friends have come to visit this past year its hard to keep count and my calender has yet to become dull. Friends if you are reading do continue to come and visit!! 🙂

    My relationship with NY is becoming stronger then ever and I think soon I will be able to fully commit. By commit I mean getting a NY State License, that a big deal to me! Miami is still and will always be my “home” but she has a tough competitor because this city is stealing my heart more and more everyday.


    Happy 2nd Anniversary my love.