Category Archives: Everything

[Things I love Friday :: Good People]

The night before I had packed meticulously for my upcoming trip. For those of you who know me, know that I HATE packing. Nonetheless this was an important weekend so I made sure nothing was forgotten. It was a regular workday and I came home to shower, grab my bags, and jet to the airport. In lieu of the fact that I had more then enough time and of course my frugality I took the good ol’ M60 to the airport… It’s only a 30-minute commute and I actually enjoy it….

My bus ride was delightful and I made it to the airport with time to spare…. I walked to the smiling TSA agent reached for my ID and boarding pass to realize my wallet was GONE! Let me remind you I was extra meticulous this trip and I know I had placed my wallet back in my left hand pocket of my coat after using my metro card. Tears filled my eyes and my nerves got the best of me…. the hysterics began. ( lol I am a little shamed I promise it could have been a scene out of a movie.) The TSA agents, NYPD, and JetBlue personnel could not have been any nicer and compassionate. I filled out a police report, canceled my cards, sobbed to my mom, and lastly missed my flight.

It was a sad Friday for me! 🙁

I was picked up by the fabulous Crusoe family, got on the 6 am flight, shot a fabulous wedding, had a family Sunday, made it back to the city and yesterday almost a week to the day I received a anonymous package at work…I wasn’t expecting anything, so to my surprise it was most of the contents of my missing wallet.  All I could do is stare at it in bewilderment. Though everything of  “value” to someone else was obviously not included everything of “value” to me was.  I called my mom immediately and told her the great news and she said, ” I told you my prayers for you would be answered, the Lord always keeps his children.” 🙂

So thank you to the anonymous person who was kind enough mail the contents back to me. You totally made my day and restored my faith that there are still good people out there.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

Happy Friday!!

[ Art of Sexy ] Lisel Butts • Miami Beach, Florida

There is nothing sexier then a confident woman!

Location: Royal Palm Hotel Makeup by: Yaneisy RoseteLisel was more then confident. I have to say she was the epitome of “sexy”. Besides being a delight to work with she never stopped smiling and posing. We were in the Ultra Suite and it was enormous! It over looked the beach, had a private balcony, chic furniture, and private stripper pole! lol!Totally love this one! A string of pearls can make anything spicy 😉Just Gorgeous!! I’m a sucker for long beautiful lashes!!
Killer smile!Thank you Lisel for a wonderful shoot!!!

If you are interested in an [Art of Sexy] session contact me for details :

The 1st Day of Spring…

Today could not have been the more perfect start to spring! It was a cool 68º the sun was shinning and everyone was outside. I began my day with a trip to Brooklyn to get my taxes done. I was kicking my heels for 2 reasons (1) I don’t fancy going to Bklyn and (2) Who is really happy to do their taxes? To my surprise the whole experience was quick and left me smiling 🙂 Special shout out to the Freelancers Union for all their help!

I headed over to meet Louie, the newest “SoHa” resident.  I’m actually quite excited to have him in the neighborhood as slowly but surely all my NYC BFF’s are moving uptown ;).  We met at Havana Central on of my favorite spots on the Upper West Side. I had the Sandwich de Pollo Extaordinario with a side of tostones and Louie enjoyed Pollo y Camarones. The environment was extremely relaxing and the food of course was delish. We talked about life, work, and new ventures. Louie was distracted by the loss of Villanova and how it apparently messed up his bracket. — womp! LOL! ( Can you tell I’m not a sportsinista? ) 😀After lunch we walked around the neighborhood to soak up the incredible weather.  Louie still hadn’t fully explored the area so I gave him a mini tour..Along the way I couldn’t help getting giddy over all the beautiful flowers! Overall I’m excited for what the spring/summer has in store. Winter is utterly miserable after a while since everyone becomes a hermit! Plus having great friends close by is really making this concrete jungle feel like “home”. They say “home” is where the heart is and N.Y.C I fall in love with you more everyday 😉  — Thanks Louie for a fabulous day and a perfect start to spring!

I got a feeling…

That today’s going to be a good day!

Howdy Friends! I woke up this morning the birds were chirping, the sky was a beautiful blue, the temperature was a comfortable 46º, and I was HAPPY! I don’t know if my excitement came from finally seeing the sun (he’s been missing since last Thursday) or if it’s because SPRING IS IN THE AIR!! As I walked to the office, the wind was blowing in my hair and all I could do was smile and be thankful for the many blessings in my life! Though, I won’t get to bask in the good weather today (because I’m stuck in the office) I invite my fellow NY’ers to take a moment to enjoy it!


::Things I love Friday:: BLOGS!!

I’ve slacked on my “Things I love Friday”. None the less.. It’s Friday and I love Newly Discovered Blogs.. This makes me oOoOOo So Happy!

**Click on the pictures to visit the blogs**

My Friend Emma started a blog a few weeks ago that I just love…(I took the picture 😉 )

I wish Taza still lived in NYC. She discovers the most fabulous places!!

Now as much as I shop @ Forever 21 I never realized they had a blog!

I love my wedding blogs and I stumbled across this one… They showcase fabulous photographers and cute DIY Projects

I was blown away by the images they took in Haiti!! Plus everything else 🙂

I am in a desperate search for NYC’er Blogs… I love seeing what other people in the city are doing..

Happy Friday!

Its going to be a soggy weekend here in the city.. 🙁