Category Archives: My Life

[ I *heart* NYC ] Signage

On Thursday night I need to clear my head to I decided to just walk. Its amazing how therapeutic it is for me. I walked about 3.5 miles from 23-86th street. Along the way I gave myself a project of finding random signage. It wasn’t difficult as this city is just full of just of…stuff..

Ohhh and I stopped at Borders and picked up “The Girl Who Played With Fire”.. I hope its good reading. And I went to Apple to get a new wacom tablet… and Sephora + Vickies for Melissa’s birthday gift.. and I can’t forget Fairway for my greek yogurt and acorn squash… You know.. just another random Thursday 🙂


Don’t judge my tired ol’ sneakers.. 😉

Happy Sunday!

[ I *heart* NYC ] Fashion’s Night Out

Last Friday I participated in Fashion’s Night Out actually we kinda just stumbled on it..

(it was hard not to)

Drenita and I were walking to prospective destination when we encountered shiny objects. lol. Or shall I say free goodies at Alice + Olivia. I’m a sucker for freebies (even if I don’t need them).We scored: NeroWater•Altoids•CandyBar•HypnoticCocktailsSo we ditched our original plans and had an interesting night of Fashion. I was so excited to finally taste a treat from STREET SWEETS truck.

•chocolate whoopie pie•


strolling up 5th Ave..We ran into models working and my old friend and friend Mike a.k.a @KODAKBOI

Check out his fabulous blog:  www.kiddunot.comSo it was just another fabulous random evening in the city.

(Olinka joined us too.. but I didn’t get any pictures of her 🙁 )

[ My Mini Vacation ] Part 7 • Asia De Cuba • Miami, Fl

The official “today is your birthday” celebration with the misses. I was hyped to go to Asia De Cuba because for some reason I had it stuck in my head that the experience would be as mouth watering as Buddahkan was..I was excited to try the Miami Spice menu (3 apps 3 entrees 3 sides 2 desserts).


I was highly disappointed. Portions were tiny, flavors were “ehhhh”, and the service SUCKED! I did enjoy the short ribs, plantain fried rice with avocado “salad” and coconut cake. I could have done without the rest.

Nonetheless, great company + conversation + tweets. 😉

[ My Mini Vacation ] Part 6 • Romero Britto • Miami, Fl

It was a fabulous random find. Just the day before I was gushing to the Misses how much I looooovveedd Romero Britto, when we stumbled upon his gallery!! I begged PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we goooo!! Like a 5 year old seeing a toy store. I was not disappointed. Well actually I was, I think all I could afford was a keychain -lol- I told the ladies that if I ever get a house, married, or something big *wink* they know what to get me. 😀