Category Archives: My Life

[ My Mini Vacation ] Part 3•Schnebly Redland’s Winery• Miami, Fl

We planned a date night with our Moms. We thought it would be fun and nice to take them out for a fun filled girls night. You know moms always want to feel “young and hip” 😉 So we told them to get dressed up and be ready at 7pm. They had no idea where we were taking them. We packed picnic basket, drove in the darkness for 25 minutes, and arrived at Schnelby’s Redland’s Winery. Mom + Auntie were thrilled!

I have to say Schnebly’s is so cute!! You bring your own vittle but no beverages are allowed of course. There is a live band and open picnic tables and an indoor wine tasting room. The Misses and I opted for the sparkling wine tasting while our mothers wanted dessert wines.


Lychee was the crowd favorite. I personally didn’t like it and preferred the Passion Fruit (of course)

It was a delightful night with an interesting ending. 😉

Can’t wait to do it again Moms!


best apple pie ever! I heart you Publix! 🙂

[ My Mini Vacation ] Part 2 • Faux Mojitos on Brickell • Miami, Fl

We were informed of complimentary Mojitos at 900 Novecento restaurant.


Then Mirella told us about Power Hour at Morton’s


(well she didn’t lie. They just happened to be closed the ONE specific day)


So we resorted to to walking around Brickell for the next best thing… and we found Piola. A cute little Pizzeria. They incited us with free cocktail  with an entree so of course we gladly accepted. 🙂 The pizza did not disappoint, totally delicious! Made me realize I have a love for sun dried tomatoes and anything cheezy. 🙂 The strawberry caipriroska cocktail was way to strong for my taste, I could have done without.

I give this place 3.5 Stars and 2 Monies 😉 hehe

[ My Mini Vacation ] Part 1 • Shake Shack • Miami, Florida

My first stop right off the plane was Shake Shack. I know, I know they have one here in the city but those burgers are so delish ( and they understand when I request VERY WELL DONE). I had been dying to go to the Miami location since it opened and it doesn’t hurt that Mrs. Boots is obsessed.

#confession: We went twice this weekend. 😉

I ordered: Plain hamburger with Lettuce and Onions with a side of fries..  Nom Nom Nom.