[ Random Ramblings ] Adele

I have been  in love with Adele’s music since she released her first album. This girls is seriously one of the best vocalist I ever heard. She is just simply AMAZING! I am UBBER excited to finally see her in concert at the Beacon Theater on May 19th! I am already thinking of what outfit I am going to wear. 🙂

Her new album 21 is FIYA! I promise you she wrote this album with me in mind.  – Thank you Adele!

Everytime I hear “Rolling in the Deep” I get goosebumps.

“Throw your soul through every open door,
Count your blessings to find what you look for,
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold,
You’ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you’ve sown”

So POWERFUL! Enjoy! 🙂


Adele – Rolling in the Deep from test on Vimeo.

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