Category Archives: Everything

[ Yay 2010 is here!! ]

Finally, I have been waiting for 2010 for some months now, I was over 2009 back in July. LOL! Nonetheless, YAY its HERE!!! :: doing a dance::

Today is a bittersweet day for me. Let me explain why:

Well I’ve been in Miami since Dec. 19th, soaking up the warm air and family time. I had the opportunity to visit my family in Dominican Republic Dec 23-27 and that was DIVINE! I have a new found love for “Home”.  All the time with family and friends has me dreading going back to the city. These holidays have been delightful.

::quick recap::

home.sleeping with pearly (my dog).reading sandals.dominican republic. tina’s birthday, 3D avatar. hanging with the boots. guacamole. trashing the dress with stephanie and fernie. new clothes. peppermint bark. bowling. pinky and the my parents house. being robed. hanging with a fellow jew. hanging with the tankers. my hair being frizzy. barely eating. driving my car. mom coming back from paris. authentic parisian gifts. family session with the sinclairs. priceless time with my grandparents. new makeup from m.a.c. sleeping in. hanging with indi.surprise visit from vale.bayside hut…ect 🙂

Sadly, I have to go back to my home today. Don’t get my wrong I want to start 2010 with a BANG and keep the ball rolling but I’m honestly not ready to go! 🙁 Back I go to the bitter cold but I know all these fond memories will keep me warm.

Wishing you the best to you and yours!!


[ On this New Years Eve…2009 ]

As I sit here and reflect on ’09 I realize that this year was a real “growing” year for me. Though I can’t say that I accomplished all my goals, I can say that I am one step closer.  I thought about writing all the things I learned this year and I stumbled upon a quote then none other then my fave Maya Angelou.

“I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.”

’09 was a trying year for many, myself included. I know I am not alone when I say I am READY for 2010. I do have to say that I am happy to have lived ’09 because the trials have only made me stronger, wiser, and driven. I have also learned that some one has had it harder then me, has struggled a little more then me, and cried one more tear. Knowing that makes me remember that I should never complain.

“I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.”

Now this is so true! When faced with hardship or inconvenience true a persons colors always emerge.  True story just 2 days ago my car was broken into during a shoot and my purse stolen. Yes, I got to say I got upset said a few cuss words and kicked some rocks. But after a hugee woo-saww I thought clearly and knew that the Lord always keeps his children, and he did! I looked in the front seat and GUESS WHAT!  My wallet, gps, and assistants purse, and the crackers we were nibbling on before the shoot were still where we left them! So the little bastards got away with my purse filled with my iTouch and makeup, but nothing truly important!! So thank you Lord for this lesson!  Ohhh and for a FANTABULOUS shoot  that we finished!  🙂

“I’ve learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you’ll miss them when they’re gone from your life.”

I lost 2 great ones this year. My grandfather and my grand uncle. Two men who plays a significant part in my upbringing and who I will treasure in my memory forever. I am happy that I got 25 years with them!  Their loss brought me closer to those who are in my life daily and I know that I am blessed.  I come from a HUGE family more then I can count and I know not everyone gets to experience that.

“I’ve learned that making a ‘living’ is not the same thing as making a ‘life.'”

Aint this the truth!! Though I might not make as much money as a doctor or lawyer, I am rich in so many other ways! I truly have two jobs that I love!  My JUMP family embraced me this year and showed me the ropes of this cut throat  world we call the “Industry”. I have learned more in a year then any normal employee would have learned in 10. I have an incredible selfless boss who deserves a prize for everything she has endured this year! ( Love you De!)  My baby “A. Anaiz Photography” is growing fast and strong. I had the chance to photograph incredible people and have grown as a photographer 100% !

“I’ve learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.”

This runs true in many aspects. Some turned out fruitful others soured but the greatest part is that a second chance was given. Lets see what happens in ’10.

“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.”

Though I consider myself a patient person I have learned this year a new meaning of patience and understanding. I have learned to be there for others selflessly and rejoice in the fact that I was there when THEY needed me. There is real joy in giving back without expecting anything in return. So I ask, did you give back this year?

“I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.”

::singing:: In New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of there’s nothing you can’t do. Now you’re in New York, these streets will make you feel brand new. Big lights will inspire you, Lets hear it for New York!!” :: end singing:: When my friend Drenita made me listen to the lyrics of this song it quickly became our Anthem! Having lived in NYC a full year now I have to say it was the best decision I ever made for myself. NY is brutal, shes mean, shes arrogant, shes selfish, shes rude, she is simply misunderstood! Ohh sweet NY you are like the friend I never thought I needed. I now understand and see your beauty. You make it hard to separate the champs from the wimps.. And you have showed me if I made it here… I can make it ANYWHERE!  So thank you.

“I’ve learned that even when I have pains, I don’t have to be one.”

To many times we get warped up in our own woes that we become a pain in the ass to others. Mind over matter I told myself TOO Many times this years. If I don’t mind it doesn’t matter!! Greatest concept I learned in Spring ’06, hehe. 😉

“I’ve learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.”

I have made it a habit this year to keep my mood positive no matter how crappy my day is going. When I reach the office each morning to happily say “GooooddMornnntingg” ( Madea Voice). This simple gesture has helped brighten so many days! I sent random “I love you texts” or “Your appreciated” calls to my friends and family constantly. Everyone needs a little reminder each day of how great they are!

“I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn.”

I learn this every time I look at my father. Those of you who know my father know exactly what I mean. He is the smartest, humblest, strongest, resilient  man I have EVER encountered! He is the true embodiment of  never ceasing to learn and learning from your mistakes. So thank you Dad!

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

This last one I really learned last night when I had a great 4 hour conversation with and ol’ friend from high-school. He said to me “Amy, you were always the sweetheart. The one always smiling, and you still are.”  I hope that in 2010 and all the years after I to continue to be that person. I hope to continue to make a difference even if its as small as a mustard seed. I hope that my “happy” spirit never fades and that it will rub off on others. 🙂

So thats it folks, a little insight to the small things I learned this year. Hope you take the opportunity to reflect on your growth this year.
Sending you ALL best wishes for this upcoming new year!!


And because no blog post is complete without a picture here is a preview of my latest Trash the Dress session:


[ To Be Thankful! :) ]

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Just wanted to write a little note and say I am thankful for so many things and YOU are one of them! Without you I wouldn’t be able to do what I love everyday so THANKS!

Though I am not with my family today I am happy that I am able to spend it with a wonderful family “The Jordans” and great friends!

Hope your day is just as merry!



[ 25 Random things about ME! ]

I posted this a while ago on my facebook page and only shared it with a few friends.. I read it over today and I thought what better way for YOU to get to know a little about me then sharing “randomness” about myself. Hope you enjoy!! >:)

(Picture below was taken on a random Monday… For all you curlies out there check out Miss Jessie’s.)


1. Unlike alot of people I actually LOVE my day job. I like my co-workers and the artist we represent. I look forward to what the next day has in store. But my photography business is what I love even more….>:)

2. Soda gives me hickups plus I’m not to fond of the beverage or many juices. I absolutely LOVE water!

3. I am obsessed with photo blogs (click the link to see my favorite). I go on them all the time.. Its one of my fave pass times..

4. I LOVE Cheese!! They affectionately call me a rat 🙂

5. I wish I was shorter. Like 4’11 or so and I also dislike my gap. My parents were crewel for not getting my braces! Yes I know many of you think “But your gap is you” umm no its not! lol.. Trust once I get a lil money in my piggy bank I will be a brace-face!

6. I like to buy multiples of things. Like say I see a shirt I really like and they have it in different colors…I get a few of them.. Goes for anything (shoes, scarfs, hair things… ect)

7. I can sense things before they happen not particularly to me but someone I’m acquainted to. Like for instance, I get a terrible feeling about a car accident happening.. within a few days it happens. No, I don’t know who its gonna happen to.. its just a feeling i get and once it happens that anxiety i felt vanishes.. till the next “premonition” comes along lol..
Hey maybe I’m semi psychic.

8. I plan on having my business based out of my home.. like have a separate guest house with my studio…

9. I’m addicted to BBM!!

10. I have a weird balance of patience and impatience.

11. I am a BIG believer that forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

12. I have dumb blonde moments.. >:o)

13. I love raw cookie dough… and I get attacked all the time that I’m going to get salmonella poisoning.

14. I’ve become a pro at giving people my blank “wtf” stare. 😮

15. I have to admit i judge a man by his shoes… at least i do at first.. I love a man with nice sexy shoes >=)

16. I have no idea who first started calling me Aimes

17. I wish Raquel would move to NY and be my roommate 🙂 (hint hint)

18. I see the good in people before I see the bad… This is a blessing and a curse!

19. Alicia Keys — AS I AM cd is my favorite right now… I highly recommend Adele, ASA, Chrisette Michelle, Coldplay X&Y also 🙂

20. When i’m really angry I cry. People mistake this as weakness…

21. I have accomplished almost everything I’ve put my mind to. If i want it I go out and get it! 🙂

22. I love to treat myself 🙂 If I don’t who will?!?!??!

23. I fall asleep with my glasses on and I used to love how my ex used to take them and put them on my night stand for me 🙂 ( you know who you are) lol!

24. I can watch sex and the city over and over again… The girls have so much knowledge!!!! hehe

25. I love unconditionally.. 🙂

Anything else you want to know? Just ask!

[My Happy 1 Year Anniversary] Bronx, New York

A year ago today, I packed two suitcases and my iMac and moved to NYC. With tears in her eyes my mother said “quidate Mija te deso todo la bendicion del mundo” ( take care my darling, I wish upon you all the blessings in the world) I boarded my one way flight and took a deep breath.  I was embarking in the biggest journey of my life and had no idea what the Lord had in store for me…

A year later as I look back all I can say is GOD IS GOOD!! The blessings, experiences, and people he has placed in my life is more then I could have ever  asked for. As many of you know I work at a top NYC Talent Agency in which I started as an intern then later hired on as an Agent. I seriously LOVE my “day” job. I’ve mentioned before how much I adore my boss as well as the talent we represent. The people I have met and doors that have been open for my are truly priceless.. De & Frances if you read this… THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING you do for me!!

I can’t say that my journey has been easy because it hasn’t! Before I moved my father said to me “Life won’t be easy, but it is within that struggle that you appreciate the great things you will accomplish.” I would not change any of the trials and tribulations I experienced this past year because they have made me a stronger, wiser, and humbler person. I always tell people “its the little things” that make the world special.

I could not have survived with out the people who have been around me, my true support system. The Lords grace is amazing as the saying goes “God doesn’t give you the people you want … He gives you the people you NEED – to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be.”  .. and thats what he’s done for me!  A HUGE thank you to my “northeast” support team Drenita, Mackenzie, Chris, Louie, Renee, Monica, Melissa, Bola, Dretta, Eruby, Jen & Shel, The Menzi’s, Link & Zinga. You guys are ALL ANGELS!!! I cannot forget my “down south” support team who have been there as well my family, Raquel, my Sorors, David, Mirella & Gizzo, Harold, Stef, Aly, Toya, Vale… Love you bunches!! Thank you ALL for believing in me!

So what’s next?

I’ll be in NYC for as long as NYC will have me 🙂 hehe… I love it here and am looking forward to all the adventures ahead.

Below are just some of my “best memories” this year…



