Category Archives: My Life

The 1st Day of Spring…

Today could not have been the more perfect start to spring! It was a cool 68º the sun was shinning and everyone was outside. I began my day with a trip to Brooklyn to get my taxes done. I was kicking my heels for 2 reasons (1) I don’t fancy going to Bklyn and (2) Who is really happy to do their taxes? To my surprise the whole experience was quick and left me smiling 🙂 Special shout out to the Freelancers Union for all their help!

I headed over to meet Louie, the newest “SoHa” resident.  I’m actually quite excited to have him in the neighborhood as slowly but surely all my NYC BFF’s are moving uptown ;).  We met at Havana Central on of my favorite spots on the Upper West Side. I had the Sandwich de Pollo Extaordinario with a side of tostones and Louie enjoyed Pollo y Camarones. The environment was extremely relaxing and the food of course was delish. We talked about life, work, and new ventures. Louie was distracted by the loss of Villanova and how it apparently messed up his bracket. — womp! LOL! ( Can you tell I’m not a sportsinista? ) 😀After lunch we walked around the neighborhood to soak up the incredible weather.  Louie still hadn’t fully explored the area so I gave him a mini tour..Along the way I couldn’t help getting giddy over all the beautiful flowers! Overall I’m excited for what the spring/summer has in store. Winter is utterly miserable after a while since everyone becomes a hermit! Plus having great friends close by is really making this concrete jungle feel like “home”. They say “home” is where the heart is and N.Y.C I fall in love with you more everyday 😉  — Thanks Louie for a fabulous day and a perfect start to spring!

I got a feeling…

That today’s going to be a good day!

Howdy Friends! I woke up this morning the birds were chirping, the sky was a beautiful blue, the temperature was a comfortable 46º, and I was HAPPY! I don’t know if my excitement came from finally seeing the sun (he’s been missing since last Thursday) or if it’s because SPRING IS IN THE AIR!! As I walked to the office, the wind was blowing in my hair and all I could do was smile and be thankful for the many blessings in my life! Though, I won’t get to bask in the good weather today (because I’m stuck in the office) I invite my fellow NY’ers to take a moment to enjoy it!


On this Thursday….

So on top of the fact that this week has been exhausting (6:30 workouts, long days at the office, editing, “social life” duties, ect) there is one thing that is missing….

Yes, Mrs. Boots. Its amazing because she only here for a week but its amazing to how quick a habit forms. That’s the power a B.F.F JILL can have over you.. I miss the daily activities, constant laughing, retro bus rides, deep talks, no bulgaria, passion fruit drinks, re-watching episodes of SATC just because, and knowing someone was waiting for me when I got home. 🙂 (Yes, I told you I’m needy)

She’s back in Miami now and we are both terribly miserable.. LOL! Come back buena sera… Your favorite couple misses you.. (NYC + ME)


Upon checking the mail and rummaging through normal bills, school loans, bank statements….she was finally here!!
I had been waiting patiently for her 7 days to be exact.. (I’m a little impatient..hehe) I had debated joining ZipCar for months. I told myself that (1) I would would NEVER dare drive in the city (2) Would I really use the membership (3) It would be more of annoyance having to go pick up the car then return it…Go an behold everytime I looked in the streets the (ZipCar) logo haunted me like a plague! Though everytime I looked at the driver’s they looked as happy as could be… The straw that broke the camels back was when I was trying to online shop… EVERYTHING I wanted was an “in strore” purchase only. I was infuriated! That’s it, I told myself and reconsidered my options.. To my disbelief the more I thought about the possibilities of having access to a car in the city the happier I became. A few days later my application was sign-sealed-delivered. I think she’s going to be my new best friend!! 🙂

1st stop: IKEA!

Another Monday….

So its another day to another week.. lol. I had an entertaining weekend with my girls. My *spec* Melonie was here for “work” and my *luvah* Mrs. Boots is here to hang for the whole week! oOoO lucky me…
::weekend recap::
.Snow Day.
.Fashion 40.
.The Renaissance.
.Meeting Hugo.
.Walking 130 to 59th.
.Passion Fruit Mojitos@Spice.
.Cab Drivers.
.Being Lazy.
.Valentine’s Day.S’mac.
.Retro on the M11.
But.. Mrs. Boots being in town means a whole lotta good eating!! To counter set this minor speed bump I bought some supplies to keep me *focused* .hehe.
After work i’m hitting the gym…trying to stay focused!
Hope you have a Merry Monday!