Category Archives: My Life

[ 30lbs in 30 Weeks ]

So I’ve been in this constant battle with my weight since I can remember. I have moments when I’m small then moments I get tubby again… And guess what I’m looking quite tubby. The winter months don’t help much as all I want to do is eat comfort food and lay in my warm bed all day. Getting to the gym has been a struggle since the weather dropped below 40Β°. In case your wondering why its so hard, well I don’t have a car in the city and its a 15 min walk. So, waking up at 6:30 am to walk to the gym in cold weather is just not happening! Ho-hum.. πŸ™

So i’ve had enough of the excuses I make, and I am ready for change! In lieu of this I decided to set a goal that I could realistically achieve.Β  I’ve had my share of fad diets and get slim quick programs and I know I want no part of that. I want a lifestyle change.

30 lbs in 30 weeks. 1 pound a week. Now that’s realistic to me! This blog post is my commitment that I will stick to my plan and reach my goal. I am determined to stick to this. To those of you who feel a little like I do I encourage you to join me.

So I start today. New Balances on, iPod in hand..I’m pumped! πŸ™‚

Wish me luck!

P.S… Thanks Mack for the encouraging text this morning! I <3 U!

[ ::Things I love Friday:: CafΓ© Habana ]

Last night I ate at CafΓ© Habana on Prince and Elizabeth street. It was a mellow evening and the food did NOT disappoint. Everything I tasted was delish!
I ordered a frozen mojito, shared an order of grilled corn mexican style, pollo mirador and of course a side of tostones.Β  My mouth is watering just thinking about it! It was a perfect unexpected meal! — Thanks Treas!

I defiantly recommend you checking it out !! The location is cozy, music is keeps you bopping, and food speaks for itself. πŸ™‚

Next time IΒ  plan to go to their second location “Havana Outpost” in Brooklyn. I promise to snap some pics!

I stole this shotΒ  from their blog πŸ™‚

And the price was OH-so right! πŸ™‚

[ The “Blizzard”…lol ]

So by no means am I a real “northerner”. I am a Florida girl who happens to live in the cityΒ  .hehe.Β  So we have been on “blizzard” alert all day. I was actually a little excited as I have never experienced one before, though compared to all the snow that D.C got the past weekend I have to say I feel jipped! –lol. Nevertheless, I did enjoy my work from home snow day. I was quite productive and got alot of things done. I even tackled some of my taxes paperwork πŸ™‚

These pictures were mostly taken for Mrs. Boots. Enjoy love! πŸ™‚

I took these from my fire escape. Yes, I climbed out of my window in the middle of the storm. πŸ˜‰ This is my view from the right… That’s St. Nicholas Park straight ahead..

This was my view straight forward. The white trees were breathtaking! πŸ™‚

And looking down to the left I caught a good Samaritan cleaning up the sidewalks. Thanks sir!

Snow and all Fido needs to be walked πŸ˜‰

Love this one πŸ™‚

And my view to the complete left… On a clear day you can see part of the NYC skyline.. not

And my fave… πŸ™‚

So i’ve mentioned before my “ying/yang” love for the snow…

Today I blogged the “YING”.. Stay tuned for a post about the “YANG”

For all you Northerners be safe out there!! Bundle up! xoxo!