Happy Jetting
I arrived to Orlando a couple of hours ago and my flight with @JetBlue was just fabulous. I even got and extra bag of snacks #dontjudgeme :). Currently, I am sitting on the couch enjoying some quality time with brother..I was tempted by his new iPhone4. So I ‘facetimed’ the only other person I could think of.. @Mirrs2
So I have to admit the new phone is pretty sweet and ‘fancy’… The whole concept of iChating on a phone is so circa The Jetsons. Its sleek, screen is ubber sharp, and the keypad is finally user friendly. I really didn’t play with it much but from what I did experience, it caught my attention. I now have bullies like my brother @mirrs2 and @lovealwaysboots urging me to join #teamiPhone.
Though I do think the iPhone4 is swanky, I am not ready to give up my love affair with my blackberry.
Plus I just signed a 2 year contract. -lol- 😀
Happy Friday!
love that great pic of me!! lolol but wow 2 more years with who?!! ayeee i had my love affair but ive learned to LET GO! moving on to bigger and better things! =)