So if you haven’t noticed i’ve been in a bit of a blog funk, for multiple reasons. Don’t get me wrong I love my blog and I actually do love blogging. There is something special about being able to share a piece of your world with the “world”. The past few weeks have been almost a blur. I haven’t been so busy in a really long time. I announced a few times that I actually worked 36 days straight. Yes straight! No days off, not time off, other then a few hours each day for sleep. My day consisted of This past weekend I finally got to exhale 🙂
So what have I been working on??? LOL. Well I have my “day” job, which we are extremely busy so I barely have time to even eat. I love the rush and responsibility but I have been a little overwhelmed. 🙁 I decided to brush off my “grad” suit and shoot some commencement ceremonies this season for Grad Images so I traveled across Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts and photographed about 12 ceremonies… Luckily I recruited my P.I.C Drenita, so it made the road trips a little more enjoyable… and we discovered the big H.. HAHA! – (inside joke). I have done quite a few sessions which I will be blogging about and have traveled to Florida twice.. three times if you include my trip tomorrow.. and of course its wedding season, so that is in full effect. My nights have been filled with countless hours of editing (the pitts). I used to love editing, I still do deep down, but when you are overwhelmed with 1000’s of images to process I can’t help but catch the case of the grumpies. 🙁
So that has been my “work” life for the past 6 weeks.
My social and personal life have been pretty good. I have been sick with the cold that will never go away. I am quite stubborn when it comes to taking medicine, I figure my body will get me better on its own (my dad always told me that) So I just tough it out.. Like a big girl. 🙂 ::cough cough:: I am happy that I have been able to see my family so much the past 2 months. They really make me smile and keep me grounded. My mom and sister will be in NY this weekend (though I wont, lol) but I will be able to catch up with them on Sunday when I return. -Hi Mom- My friends have been incredible as usual. I was soo happy that I had a 4 day Sex And The City weekend with the girls. Yes we are totally fans.
Great Places: 5thAve.SATCTour.TheMovie.Buddahkan.CentralPark.TheBourgeoisPig.MoMa.UpperEastSide.SarahBeth’sWest.EmanadaMama.
The Great People: Raquel.Mackenzie.Emma.Madelyn.Angie.Olinka.Melissa.Louie.Whitney
On a more “inner me” level I have been reflecting quite alot. I am glad that I am really finally knowing “me”. What I want, need, and will tolerate. I see things a bit clearer now and have set more goals for myself. I appreciate more the value of “real” people. Though life has never been perfect for me, I still think my life is beautiful. Flaws and all, I am happy. 🙂
I had the opportunity to go photographing with my friend Lemu. Which turned into an impromptu photo shoot of each other. I love random shoots. 🙂 Well Lemu gave me the raw files and I told him I would *add some love* to the images and post on my blog. It may be hard to believe but I’m actually kinda shy in front of the camera.. Its quite intimidating when all eyes are on you.. So I guess I understand how my clients sometimes feel. 😉 he.he.
(Click here to see my pics of Lemu)
Thanks Lemu, for capturing the real me 🙂