Category Archives: Random Ramblings

[Things I love Friday] The Park • New York City

On this perfect friday I came to the park. See this is a novelty for me because I’m rarely “off” on a week day so I wanted to see what non-working people do on friday’s at the park. I got some vittles from goodburger “home of the goodburger”  and of course an iced coffee from Dunkin’s. I walked over to central park and popped a squat on a nice patch of grass right in-front of the playground by Columbus Circle and got comfortable. Burger was delish, I appreciated the fact that they understood the meaning of “very well done” little things like that make me so happy. Weather was divine, borderline a little nippy — in July!  Only in NY. 🙂 I put on my earphones and jammed to Drake’s new album.  Which is so good by the way…

Guilty confession, I was supposed to come to edit but that never happened. #dontjudgeme. I got to caught up in taking pictures, people watching, talking to my mom, texting, bopping my head, and simply just enjoying my DAY OFF!!

Hope your Friday was just as wonderful as mine.

[Random Ramblings] #TeamBB

Happy Jetting

I arrived to Orlando a couple of hours ago and my flight with @JetBlue was just fabulous. I even got and extra bag of snacks #dontjudgeme :). Currently, I am  sitting on the couch enjoying some quality time with brother..I was tempted by his new iPhone4. So I ‘facetimed’ the only other person I could think of.. @Mirrs2

So I have to admit the new phone is pretty sweet and ‘fancy’… The whole concept of  iChating on a phone is so circa The Jetsons. Its sleek, screen is ubber sharp, and the keypad is finally user friendly. I really didn’t play with it much but from what I did experience, it caught my attention. I now have bullies like my brother @mirrs2 and @lovealwaysboots urging me to join #teamiPhone.

Though I do think the iPhone4 is swanky, I am not ready to give up my love affair with my blackberry.

Plus I just signed a 2 year contract. -lol- 😀

Happy Friday!

[Happy Birthday Louie]

Today is Louie’s Birthday.

Since he lives in the neighborhood Olinka and I decided to go surprise him.

We met at Make My Cake on 116 and Fredrick Douglas

The menu was intense.

But we decided on a slice of red velvet cake since its his fave.

We rang the door bell 1,000 times ( I guess that’s what takes the fun out of suprising someone)

And we sang an “in tune” Happy Birthday.

He Smiled.

The End.

Hope you had a great one friend! 🙂

[Things I Love] My Girls!

Today I am reflecting about my fabulous girlfriends.
I am quite blessed with a great group of “girl”friends. I have met these girls along my almost 26
year journey. You know how they say that people come into your lives for season. We these
girls have weathered quite a few seasons with me.. Lets start with the oldest…

Of course that would be Mrs. Boots herself.. my ace boonkoon.
Though we are really cousins, I never introduce her as that.. She’s always
been my best friend, bestie, suger-plum, love muffin, pirilin….. ect 🙂  ::waving::

Next are my “T.A.N.K.E.R.S” though the acronym doesn’t really
make sense anymore (lol) but they will always be my “TANKERS”. I met
these girls in a mixture of middle + high school. They were there in
my growing years when I was a shy, quite, little guppy.
“La Santa” they would call me. 🙂

The college years were the best. I grew up with the help of this bunch.
They were never afraid to hurt  my feeling and “tell it like it is”. They were
there through the good and the bad, highs and the lows.. So many memories

I was blessed with 11 sisters from other mothers on April 8, 2006. We are just
the perfect little bunch. We are all so different but somehow we just gel together nicely.
Ohh my linesisters.. How I love thee 🙂

Finally the girls I would not have made it in the concrete
jungle without. I have become the woman I am today with their support and love.
Ohhh we have laughed good laughs, had once in a lifetime experiences, pinched some pennies,
and learned to “live life”…

So there you have it, all the fabulous girls who make my world a happy place.